HERE THERE BE DRAGONS!! If you proceed, you may find something you aren't comfortable with! Please mind the content warnings for the main site, particularly the selfship section, and click away as needed! Specific content warnings include but are not limited to: VILLAIN SHIPS, UNHEALTHY RELATIONSHIPS, VIOLENCE, MURDER, TORTURE, WHUMP, OBSESSION, MANIPULATION, POWER IMBALANCE, CODEPENDENCY, CHEATING, and possibly MENTIONS OF PHYSICAL WOUNDS SUCH AS BURNS. If NSFW CONTENT is discussed, themes of NON-CON, DUB-CON, and FEAR KINK may be involved. All NSFW content will be warned and kept behind a spoiler if possible, and each section has its own specific CWs.

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Reference image gallery for my BNHA self inserts. Each box corresponds to the associated character HERE. Permissions, refs, and basic information can be toggled between in each individual character section as well.

Jo/Spiral - LoV Ver. - Self Ship with Tomura Shigaraki

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | mid-20s | icon artwork by ali
CWs: Mention of weaponry/potential for violence.

Jo is a 5 feet 7 inches tall, thickset young woman with light skin and dark blue eyes as well as a noticeable bust. She has a pair of red-brown twin braids that reach down to her ankles, or longer (If longer, her braids coil up at the ends, hence the name 'Spiral'). Jo has a strong jaw and a sort-of-pointed chin. She does not wear makeup, and has naturally thick, bushy eyebrows. She wears glasses with rectangular lenses and thin but visible black frames. In the reference she is wearing a low-neck kiwi green knit sweater and blue jeans with some tears, as well as red casual shoes with thick soles and white socks. There is also an example of her braids at different lengths, and a doodle of her with the ends of her braids worn coiled up in the pockets of a hoodie. - MAIN REF

Jo is a 5 feet 7 inches tall, thickset young woman with light skin and dark blue eyes as well as a noticeable bust. She has a pair of red-brown twin braids that reach down to her ankles, or longer (If longer, her braids coil up at the ends, hence the name 'Spiral'). Jo has a strong jaw and a sort-of-pointed chin. She does not wear makeup, and has naturally thick, bushy eyebrows. She wears glasses with rectangular lenses and thin but visible black frames. In the reference she is wearing a low-neck kiwi green knit sweater and blue jeans with some tears, as well as red casual shoes with thick soles and white socks. There is also an example of her braids at different lengths, and a doodle of her with the ends of her braids worn coiled up in the pockets of a hoodie. This reference also includes a side view of the version of Jo made with the Lo-Fi Girl Dollmaker website, in which Jo is resting her chin on her hand, wearing a gold choker and a green hoodie with card suits on the arms, and recolored braids from official Jinx League of Legends artwork have been edited in as an example of how they can look. An example of the spikes she sometimes uses as a weapon at the end of her braids is shown on this version; it looks like a metal band with three long triangular spikes sticking out at angles, attached around the end of her braid where otherwise a hair tie might be located. - MORE DETAILED REF



Jo/Spiral (LoV ver.)

Jo (unknown surname)
Codename: "Spiral"
She uses this name in multiple AUs
Jo is 5'7"
Dark blue eyes

Casual wear minus hoodie. As a villain/LoV member, she has no real interest in putting on a uniform.
(these clothes aren't all that fancy; she buys what she can find at reasonable prices but has a strong preference for the color green, regardless of AU.

(Lips are stylized; she does not typically wear makeup)
IDEK what this expression is [referring to front facing headshot], please refer to side view for a better idea of her typical affect!

Hair is more useful longer, but less manageable.

Jo holds her braids together with her quirk in lieu of hair ties. Doesn't take much concentration, she's used to doing it without thinking, but could be a problem if her quirk was somehow disabled.

Sometimes keeps lockpicks woven into the ends of her braids.

[Braids are] Sometimes worn coiled up in sweater pocket, if she has one.
Also useful for hiding flail-type weapons.

Base for fullbody image is a Smart Doll Pear Body doll by Danny Choo + Lo-Fi Girl Dollmaker.
All other art/edits by Cattya.


As a villain, Jo wields spikes that are sharp enough to put fairly harsh scratches in a brick or concrete wall, and yet is reluctant to cause permanent harm to others herself unless there is no other option- an occasional sore spot between her and some other members of the LoV.
Early on, she typically just holds on to a knife.

[Shown on ref] An example of more damaging spikes; in a pinch she grabs them with her braids, but this works too if she has time to prepare for a fight.

Base for fullbody image is a Smart Doll Pear Body doll by Danny Choo + Lo-Fi Girl Dollmaker.
Base for image halfway down left is the Lo-Fi Girl Dollmaker game + Official League of Legends Jinx artwork.
All other art/edits by Cattya.

Jo/Spiral - Hero Ver. - Self Ship with Yandere!Dabi

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | mid-20s | icon artwork by pomutnenie
CWs: Yandere themes, violence, obsession, implied burning/wounds/danger of such, emotional burnout, mention of implied burnmurder of civilians, unfortunate reaction to high expectations as a neurodivergent person in a competitive environment; Obsessive Dabi is his own warning c:

Ref for Jo(unknown surname). Pro Hero version of character, codename Spiral. Jo is a 5 feet 7 inches tall, thickset young woman with light skin and dark blue eyes. She has a pair of twin braids that reach down to her ankles, or longer (note: Hair is more useful longer, and typically kept that way. If longer, her braids can be held coiled up up at the ends, hence the name Spiral). Jo has a strong jaw and a sort-of-pointed chin. She wears glasses with rectangular lenses and thin but visible black frames; the glasses are held together by a hidden strap behind her head and are made of a stronger material thhan they look. In the reference she is wearing her hero uniform which consists of a basic blue shirt under a warm gray crop jacket, dark red-brown fitted arm sleeves, a warm grey belt that can hold items such as the spiked metal balls and hooks she uses for mobility, leggings the same dark brown color as her arm sleeves, and heavy-duty shoes in a slightly redder brown. The leggings and arm sleeves are technically part of the same fitted bodysuit, the zippered collar of which is visible peeking out around the neckline of the shirt and crop jacket. All of these clothes are treated or designed to be fire-resistant. Jo often looks stubborn but tired, and tries to hide the latter. Text on image is transcribed below. - MAIN REF




Quirk: Prehensile Braids

Jo's clothes and braids have been chemically treated to be fire-resistant. This was originally a necessity for working with Endeavor's Hero Agency, but became even more important when Dabi took an interest in fighting and burning her, even if for some reason he won't kill her yet despite here clearly being outmatched, at least when it comes to inherent quirk range and versatility.

Even so, Jo does her best to avoid collateral damage- and survive, since she isn't confident Dabi won't just kill her at some point anyway.

...she doesn't know what he wants...

...because it doesn't just seem to be about killing the people she tries and tries to save...

...she hates losing to him, also...

  • Glasses are held in place behind her head and are made of tougher material than they look!
  • Hair is more useful longer, and is often kept that way. But, it can become inconvenient.
  • Wears gloves when fighting, if prepared. (same material as her sleeves)
  • Typically, as a hero, Spiral uses heavy, spiked weights held in the ends of her braids to counter balance and help with mobility, as well as break apart rubble in more extreme rescue situations.
    When fighting actual people she tends to avoid inflicting more damaging blows using the weights unless she feels she has no other choice- it's a bit of an honor thing, as hero.
    She also will carry strong hooks for climbing and in some cases swinging from buildings. They're built to grip but not to heavily damage surfaces; her collateral damage record had been a matter of pride for her, and the support items were made to allow for that.
  • Shoes are made from heavy-duty fire-resistant materials.
  • Dabi's flames can get hot enough to burn her even through her protective clothing, which is unfortunate for her.
  • She tries to hide how constantly exhausted she is...
  • Since she's become a bit of a Dabi-magnet, it seems like Endeavor disapproves of her. Whatever this means for her career, or position as hero, is uncertain.
    So that's another thing.

Burn scar optional and depends on when in the story the drawing takes place. She happened to make the mistake of letting Dabi get too close at a certain point in their feud. She regrets it.



Reference image gallery for my BNHA self inserts. Each box corresponds to the associated character HERE. Permissions, refs, and basic information can be toggled between in each individual character section as well.

Loose Cannon! Jo - Self Ship w/ Hawks

she/her | adult, early 20s
Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
CWs: Clean knife held in braid, mentions of scars, nudity (NSFW ref linked).

A visual reference image for this version of Jo as a villain. Jo is shown from the front as a tall, slender, light skinned young woman with long coppery brown braids that fall past her ankles and curl at the ends. Her right braid holds a knife in the end. Jo wears an olive green t-shirt under a high-necked brown-gray crop jacket, and cargo pants with prominent hip pockets in the same brown-gray color as her jacket. Her shoes are unremarkable gray slip-ons with white socks. She is shown grinning with her fists at her sides. Two other images of Jo are included from the shoulders up, one showing her face structure as mostly round with a big forehead and somewhat pointed chin, and the other headshot is identical but includes her braids. The reference is captioned 'Villain Jo', lists her age as 'nineteen to early twenties', and includes the comment 'a mess and a maniac' to describe her personality.


Text from ref:

Age: 19 to early 20s
A mess and a maniac
Art by Cattya

Note: this version of the character may have several to many thin scars from knife/sharp feather wounds all over her body, depending on the circumstances, which are not shown in the ref. Drawing these is optional, but encouraged if possible.

Dubious Morality Jo - Self Ship w/ Hawks

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | late 20s
CWs: Slight indication of obsession/codependency, otherwise N/A

Ref for Jo(unknown surname). Civilain version of character. Jo is a 5 feet 7 inches tall, thickset young woman with light skin and dark blue eyes as well as a noticeable bust. She has a pair of red-brown twin braids that reach down to her ankles, or longer (If longer, her braids coil up at the ends, hence the name 'Spiral' in other versions). Jo has a strong jaw and a sort-of-pointed chin. She does not wear makeup, and has naturally thick, bushy eyebrows. She wears glasses with rectangular lenses and thin but visible black frames. In the reference she is wearing a muted green knit sweater and blue jeans with some fading, as well as bright red casual shoes with thick soles and white socks. Jo wears the latter as a subtle nod to her connection with Hawks. She also wears a necklace that looks like a stylized bullet on black cord wrapped around her neck twice, with the bullet resting at chest level. Other images on the ref include an example of her braids at different lengths, and a doodle of her with the ends of her braids worn coiled up in the pockets of a hoodie. The reference also includes three examples of Jo's facial expressions from the front: a concerned and serious expression with somewhat narrowed eyes and a very slight frown, a more alert expression with eyebrows raised and her mouth as a neutral line, and a more relaxed expression with a slight smirk and a squint. Various feathers, implied to be from Hawks's wings, are arranged around the ref to indicate her relationship with Hawks.


Text from ref:

BNHA Jo - "Dubious Morality" version

  • Jo is 5'7"
  • Dark blue eyes
  • Jo wears various outfits, usually nondescript/dull colors, but she really likes the color green.
  • Hair is more useful longer, but less manageable
  • [braids are] sometimes worn coiled up in sweater pocket, if she has one (Also useful for hiding weapons).
  • Sometimes Jo stores lockpicks or other useful items in the ends of her braids. (This can include knives or similar weapons, particularly if she is being cautious.
  • The red shoes are a nod to Hawks's feathers. She will not admit this, of course. She tries not to show any obvious indication of attachment, but thinks that if anyone has the right to indulge like this... Well, she'll be careful in other ways. Surely, no one would make the connection...
  • Base for fullbody image is a Smart Doll Pear Body doll by Danny Choo + Lo-Fi Girl Dollmaker. All other art/edits by Cattya.

PLF Member! Jo - "Self Ship" w/ Dabi

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | adult, early 20s
CWs: CWs: Character stuck in a bad situation, characters getting manipulated, danger, conflicted ideals, obsession, paperwork. Slight implicit threat of death via burnmurder. MAJOR SPOILERS for BNHA Season 5/Meta Liberation Army arc.

Ref for Jo(unknown surname). Paranormal Liberation Front version of character. Jo is a 5 feet 7 inches tall, thickset young woman with light skin and dark blue eyes as well as a noticeable bust. She has a pair of red-brown twin braids that reach down to her ankles, or longer (If longer, her braids coil up at the ends, hence the code name 'Spiral'). Jo has a strong jaw and a sort-of-pointed chin. She does not wear makeup, and has naturally thick, bushy eyebrows. She wears glasses with rectangular lenses and thin but visible black frames. In this reference she is wearing a pale gray collared shirt with long sleeves, a very short deep blue skirt with lighter blue-gray leggings underneath, and dark blue heavy-duty clogs with thick soles. Her overall styling is reminiscent of a secretary or possibly a flight attendant; feminine but professional. Other images on the ref include an example of her braids at different lengths, two front face views, one of which shows bags under her eyes to indicate her sleep issues, and an example of spiked metal balls she might hold in her braids for rescue activity such as breaking apart rubble.


Text from ref:

PLF Brown Regiment
(Fairly low ranking)

  • Mostly does office stuff, and resents it.
  • Has some ability to fight using her quirk, but as Brown Regiment is focused on suport and rescue, she hasn't really gotten much training other than being on call for any support operations that may happen. This bored her for a while, but now that things are apparently coming to a head, maybe she would prefer boring tasks over anything to do with Dabi or the other PLF higher-ups, particularly any of the former LoV, who she still distrusts.
  • Unfortunately, Dabi seems interested in her, and she can't seem to avoid him...
  • 5'7". Blue eyes.
  • Current outfit is more of an office-type uniform, she really doesn't fight all that much.
  • She likes to wear blue, despite being in the Brown Regiment. (are there really official uniforms anyways?)
  • Jo has a minor sleep disorder. (It's getting worse)
  • Hair is more useful longer, but less manageable.
  • Not really a fighter, the spiked balls are mainly for breaking apart rubble.

Base for fullbody image is a Smart Doll Pear Body doll by Danny Choo + Lo-Fi Girl Dollmaker. All other art/edits by Cattya.

Conflicted Villain! Jo - Self Ship w/ Dabi

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | adult, early 20s
CWs: Typical villain shit, conflicts of interest, betrayal, keeping secrets, self doubt.

A visual reference for this AU version of my self insert. Jo is a tall slender young woman with pale skin and dark red-brown prehensile braids that reach past her ankles and are held up with her quirk, curling slightly at the ends. She wears an olive green t-shirt under a warm gray crop jacket with a high collar, and warm gray slacks with prominent hip pockets. She has nondescript light gray shoes. Not shown in ref are brown combat boots I need to update the ref with. The main expression in the ref on the fullbody is a serious, moody look, with the thought bubble in the ref saying 'Why do I like this damn BIRD?'. Other examples of her expressions, shown to the side, are a satisfied smirk, a cool flat gaze, a sneaky expression with a smaller more mischievous smirk, and another, more distant serious face. There is additional text on the image transcribed below.


Text from ref:

Jo/Spiral - Conflicted Villain ver.
Early 20's. Likes Hawks. Also likes villainy.
(this may become a problem)

Thought bubble: Why do I like this damn BIRD??

(more at ease when she doesn't have to worry about loyalty and can just do what she feels like at the time.)
(this is part of why she enjoys being a villain.)

Conflicts of interest aside, she is fun to banter with, if a little callous at times c:

Art by Cattya

Scared-of-heights!Hero!Jo - Self Ship w/ Villain!Hawks

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | early 20s
CWs: Implied potential for violence, acrophobia mention.

Ref for Jo(unknown surname). Weaker hero version of character. Jo is a 5 feet 7 inches tall, thickset young woman with light skin and dark blue eyes as well as a noticeable bust. She has a pair of red-brown twin braids that reach down to her ankles, or longer (If longer, her braids coil up at the ends, hence the name 'Spiral' in other versions). Jo has a strong jaw and a sort-of-pointed chin. She does not wear makeup, and has naturally thick, bushy eyebrows. She wears glasses with rectangular lenses and thin but visible black frames. In the reference she is wearing an oversized looking sweater that is mostly grass-green with thick lime green trim at the neck and hem, as well as spiral marks aroundt the sleeves. For pants she wears blue leggings with brighter blue streaks wrapping around her leg in a spiral like her hero name. Jo also wears a light brown utility belt of sorts, which can contain a number of useful items such as a first aid kit etc. as well as having hooks for other objects she typically weilds with her braids, such as claws for holding onto buildings or rubble, and spiked metal spheres used for breaking up rubble, counter balancing, and if necessary, combat. Other images on the ref include an example of her braids at different lengths, and a headshot image of Jo making a determined, serious face. The reference also includes a section showing examples of the aforementioned support items from her belt, as well as a better depiction of the belt itself, which has lots of pockets, is bulky, and has rings to attach the support items to. Additionally shown is a metal bat. Various feathers, implied to be from Hawks's wings, are arranged around the ref to indicate the presence of Hawks in her life. They appear to be floating or maybe blown in a breeze.


Text from ref:

Pro Hero Spiral - Weaker Hero ver.

This Jo never really had the confidence or the experience to excel as a Pro, but still manages to hold her own, despite a rather severe terror of high places- fighting on the ground is fine, she is sufficient enough in hand to hand combat and restraining small-time villains with her braids, and the tensile strength of said braids is enough to help pull apart rubble in rescue situations as well.

Not a member of a prestigious hero agency, she has little to catch the interest of particular villains- except for the fact that Hawks is a villain in her universe, and he finds her cute and her fear of heights hilarious. Not to mention her refusal to admit to such a fear at first. He clearly has to take her flying to convince her, right?

Jo uses various basic support items, mainly tools she can hold in the end of her braids that help with breaking apart or gripping rubble, or on occasion knocking a villain out cold with a blow to the head if she can hit them just right. She prefers rescue to fighting, but often finds herself assigned to patrols within city limits due to the under-staffed nature of the agency she is a part of.

She isn't super confident, but having to deal with Hawks trying to exposure-therapy her into enjoying the sky(she does NOT), or whatever the heck that guy is doing, seems to be toughening her up a little.

Her hero uniform is simple if a bit whimsical looking, she doesn't care much for the design but she finds the colors pleasant and the material cozy enough. As an autistic person, she has had to get used to some manner of overstimulation as a part of her job, but her uniform helps because the soft material helps her stay grounded, mentally if not literally.


  • First Aid Kit, various metal hooks and other accessories for use with her braids.
  • Belt pouches have various helpful things
  • Belt hooks hold various metal implements used with her braids as well.

Other notes:

  • Jo is 5 feet 7 inches tall.
  • Hair is more useful longer, but less manageable.
  • Jo uses a special clasp for her glasses to avoid them falling off. Otherwise, they're pretty basic.
  • When Hawks takes her flying, Jo's braids trail behind like the tails of a kite.

Aimless!Jo - Self Ship w/ Dabi & Hawks

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | early-mid 20s
CWs: Possible implied nudity(?)

A visual reference image for this version of Jo as an adult caught up in codependent relationships with both Hawks and Dabi. Two main full body images are shown of Jo, a slender, light skinned young adult with dark blue eyes and long coppery brown braids that can reach her ankles or further. The left image is of Jo in a more casual outfit, an olive green, sleevless zip-up sweatshirt and brown-gray slacks, with nondescript gray shoes with white socks. In this version the shape of her breasts are discernable beneath the sweatshirt. She is making an expression that is a cross between a pout and a scowl, her hands are fists at her side, and overall she looks like she is in a bad mood. Her braids have tight coils at the ends as well. The right image is of Jo in a more outdoorsy outfit, consisting of another olive green t-shirt, a brown-gray crop jacket, brown-gray cargo pants with prominent hip pockets, and a red feather barely visible sticking out of one pocket. Her breast shape is effectively hidden by the positioning of the crop jacket. She looks more relaxed and confident in this version, with a big, almost smug smile, and her braids are more spread out rather than kept close to her body. Also shown are five examples of various facial expressions Jo can make, such as a version of her smug smile, a twisted frown that looks like she wants to cry, a blankly innocent and quizzical looking face, a slightly grouchy serious face, and a half smiling face for when she is trying and failing not to be moved emotionally by something. There is also an example of the structure of her face which is mostly round but tapers to a slightly prominent chin. The reference is captioned, 'Jo, early-mid 20s, and includes the comment 'A bit wild and emotional, can be a whirlwind to deal with.' to describe her personality.


Text from ref:

Jo, early-mid 20s

  • A bit wild and emotional, can be a whirlwind to deal with.

Civillain! Jo - Self Ship w/ Dabi

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | mid-20s
CWs: N/A

Ref for Jo(unknown surname). Civilian version of character. Jo is a 5 feet 7 inches tall, thickset young woman with light skin and dark blue eyes as well as a noticeable bust. She has a pair of red-brown twin braids that reach down to her ankles, or longer (If longer, her braids coil up at the ends, hence the name 'Spiral' in other versions- this version of the character does not grow them out as much). Jo has a strong jaw and a sort-of-pointed chin. She does not wear makeup, and has naturally thick, bushy eyebrows. She wears glasses with rectangular lenses and thin but visible black frames. In the reference she is wearing a basic,nondescript medium-blue long-sleeved shirt with a relaxed fit, and plain brown slacks. Her shoes are a nondescript red-brown with white socks, and otherwise nonremarkable. Aside from the main reference image, there are six examples of possible expressions this version of Jo can make, including variations of grouchiness ('I Do Not Like Your Tone' and 'Ok That Was Just Mean' respectively, the former being more offended and squint-y and the latter being just grouchy), fear ('Scared Shitless' and 'Oh Shit Things Got Serious I Have To Get My Shit Together', the former being a somewhat blank wide-eyed stare and the latter being a more serious look of intense focus), mild irritation (a scowl with one eye brow raised), and being an informative know-it-all (an open mouth ready to explain why, exactly, You Are Doing It Wrong).


Text from ref:

BNHA Civilian!Jo Reference

Jo is 5'7"
Dark blue eyes

Generally wears basic shirts and leggings, whatever is comfortable. Likes blues and browns.

Typical Expressions:

  • I Do Not Like Your Tone
  • Scared Shitless
  • That Does Not Add Up Actually And You Are Doing It Wrong
  • Mildly Irritated
  • Ok That Was Just Mean.
  • Oh Shit Things Got Serious I Have To Get My Shit Together

Base for fullbody image is a Smart Doll Pear Body doll by Danny Choo + Lo-Fi Girl Dollmaker.
All other art/edits by Cattya.

Innocent child!Jo - NO SHIP, mainly for funsies and silly lil interactions

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | 5-6 yrs, but will often claim (boldly lie) she is around eight or nine, to seem more worldly.
CWs: N/A

A visual reference image for this version of Jo, an innocent child who loves to learn about quirks. This Jo has long braids that reach below her waist and nearly to her knees. The braids can split into three parts and wave around when she is excited, and they are already starting to separate in all three versions shown on the ref. Each version is the same figure, a child about 4 heads high with bright blue eyes and an earnest expression, but with different outfits. The leftmost outfit is a basic navy blue t-shirt with brown shorts, white stockings, and bright red shoes. The one in the middle is a long blue raincoat with red boots. The rightmost is a blue hoodie with pockets in the front, also worn with brown shorts that are pulled up higher on her waist, and red shoes with white stockings again. There is some text on the ref as well, transcribed below.

Text from ref:

Innocent Child!Jo
Age: 5-6 yrs

  • Her hair waves around when she is excited about something.
  • Earnest, excitable, precocious
  • Likes to learn about quirks

Art by Cattya

Obsessive! Jo - Self Ship w/ Dabi

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | adult, early 20s
CWs: Obsessive behavior, stalking, putting oneself in danger, codependency, typical villain shit, lack of self-preservation, actual burn wound mentioned with the unspoken possibility of more, permanent injury, playing with fire, pyromania, possibility of death if things go wrong.

A visual reference for this AU version of my self insert, showing two versions of a tall fair-skinned young woman with long brown prehensile braids reaching her ankles. She typically wears an olive green shirt under a warm-gray crop jacket, matching warm-gray cargo pants, and discreet gray slip-on shoes. She is shown holding a knife with one of her braid ends. Her right hand has some rather severe burn scarring from the time she grabbed Dabi's arm and wouldn't let go even when he burned her. In one version's left hand she holds a lighter with an orange flame visible. A sampling of expressions is also shown, varying from smugness to enthusiasm to downright mania.

NSFW REF (not incl. burn scars) (CW NUDITY)

Text from ref:

"Obsessive" Jo
Kind of a pyromaniac

(mainly because Dabi exists)

  • Adult, early-mid 20's
  • More confident when she can be around Dabi or his fire.
  • Burnt hand because grab happened
  • (Holds things w/ her braids)
  • Various levels of enthusiasm
  • (secretly very lonely)

Art by Cattya

Villain Rehab AU! Jo - Self Ship w/ Hawks

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | adult, early 20s
CWs: Canon divergent, no major spoilers. Incarceration/Villain Rehab AU, including a prison uniform of sorts. Lack of care about others and the effects one's actions have on them.

A visual reference for this AU version of my self insert, showing two versions of a tall fair-skinned young woman with long brown prehensile braids reaching her ankles. The left version is Jo in her casual outfit, an olive green t-shirt with a warm gray crop jacket, warm gray slacks with prominent pockets, and light gray loafers. She is smiling confidently and her braids are slightly raised. The right version is Jo in a version of her prison/rehab program uniform, a gray zip-up overshirt that should be tucked into her pants but isn't, matching gray slacks, and basic loafers similar to the other version but slightly higher on the ankle. This Jo's hands are on her hips and she is smirking a bit more meanly than the other version, but her braids are drooped at her sides. There is also an example of the orange text on the back of her overshirt, which reads H-A 04. In between the versions are examples of other expressions this Jo makes, including a smaller but still confident smirk, a blank and slightly puzzled narrow-eyed stare, and a slightly concerned face with brighter eyes as if she is mulling over some new concept in her head and it is making a surprising amount of sense. There is also an example of her face shape with a more grouchy perplexed expression. A transcript of the text on this image is further down this page.


Text from ref:

Former villain codename: "Spiral"
Jo ##### Hawks Agency Early 20's

[Legit just hasn't considered not being a villain/ taking her anger out on random civilians. This is an intriguing concept for her but ultimately rules are obnoxious and for people like heroes, not petty criminals like her. **Not used to taking responsibility for her actions and their effects on other people and society at large.**]

Looks happier when getting to be herself, freely and authentically. Likes praise, but won't admit it.

Likes to break rules.
Hard case. May not remain eligible for the Rehab Program.

Art by Cattya

Reluctant Villain! Jo - Self Ship w/ Hawks

Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions
she/her | adult, early 20s
CWs: Autistic masking, typical villain shit, survival instincts on overdrive, apathy, shady internet deals, questioning whether someone is too far gone when they get in over their head.

A visual reference for this AU version of my self insert. Jo is initially a small and scrawny young adult woman with pale skin and dark red-brown prehensile braids that reach past her ankles and are held up with her quirk, curling slightly at the ends. The civilian version of this Jo wears a sleeveless gray sweatshirt with an image of a toaster on it, and dark navy jeans with medium size functional pockets, as well as gray lace up sneakers. In this ref she is scowling and looking off to the side. The competent, seasoned villain version of this Jo wears the villain outfit seen on other AU versions of the character, with a warm gray crop jacket, olive green shirt underneath, and warm gray cargo pants with prominent pockets, over nondescript gray shoes. That version has a more neutral expression as she is masking her true feelings. Other examples of her expressions, shown to the side, are a satisfied smirk, a cool flat gaze, a sneaky expression with a smaller more mischievous smirk, and another, more distant serious face. There is also an image of her Comms. Disruptor, which is a gray flat box about the size of a small handheld game console, with various buttons and dials, a keypad, a red LED screen, and a couple antennae. The text on the ref is transcribed below.

(please remember this character is an adult; by "late teens" I mean 18-19)

Text from ref:

Jo[Reluctant Villain ver.]
Adult - late teens/early 20s

  • Civvie ver.
    • Hired by shady figures on the internet to mess around with signals using a "Comms. disruptor."
    • Doesn't like society. Isn't really confident enough to do anything about it yet.
    • (Good at faking confidence, but it gets her into trouble.)
    • (Sweatshirt has a toaster) c:
    • Comms. Disruptor kept with her at all times as a civilain.
      Better not to lose it.
  • Seasoned Villain ver.
    • (Still secretly scared sh*tless, better at hiding it.)
    • Can she still be saved?

Art by Cattya.


Character Summary | References(You Are Here) | Gift Art Permissions



Text from ref:



Reference images that work with multiple versions of the character belong here.

NSFW REF 1 applies to: Jo/Spiral Main LoV ver., Jo/Spiral Main Hero ver.*, Dubious Morality Jo, PLF Member!Jo, Scared-of-Heights!Jo, Civilian!Jo, and possibly future versions TBA.

NSFW REF 2 applies to: Loose Cannon!Jo*, Conflicted Villain!Jo, Aimless!Jo, Obsessive!Jo*, Villain Rehab AU!Jo, Reluctant Villain!Jo, and possible future versions TBA.

*These versions of the characters have distinct traits in their designs that aren't visible on the general NSFW ref. See individual SFW character refs and text notes for specifics.